The Last Days of Theodoric the Ostrogoth and Other Verses

The Last Days of Theodoric the Ostrogoth and Other Verses

Reginald Fleming Johnston

As the British-born Tutor to the Dragon Emperor, Reginald Fleming Johnston was the only foreigner in history to be allowed inside the inner court of the Qing Dynasty. Johnston carried high imperial titles and lived in both the Forbidden City and the New Summer Palace. His most famous book, Twilight in the Forbidden City reflects his eyewitness accounts of the memorable events of the time.

Johnston was also a gifted poet and creative, writing his first play in his teens called Queen of the Fairies. As Shiona Airlie writes in her book “Scottish Mandarin: The Life and Times of Sir Reginald Johnston”, Reginald “found solace from his unhappiness at home by creating fantasies, writing wildly fictitious histories… He was obviously capable of being witty and charming one day and difficult and depressive the next.” – a sign of a truly creative individual.

This rare collection of poetry showcases his gift for writing poetry and shows us his kind, humble character and his valuing of friendship.